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Alwan ColorHub 8.5.0 (Public Release)

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We are glad to announce the public release of the latest version of Alwan ColorHub.

Please find the list of new features and improvements below:

Alwan ColorHub

Import CxF/X-4 files directly or via ACH Color library to add or replace a channel of a Hydra profile

Optimize Hydra Profiling for your printing process technology Offset, Flexo, Gravure, Inkjet, Other….

“Avoid more than 3 Inks” for CMYK separation forces color conversion to use maximum 3 inks per color when possible

“Avoid more than 4 Inks” for HiFi/ECG separation forces color conversion to use maximum 4 inks per color when possible

“Minimize number of channels” is now available for CMYK output as well. Automatically reduces number of output PDF channels to a minimum provided color accuracy remains within CRF 95th specified tolerance.

Adobe PDF Library v18 (APDFL v18.0.4PlusP1c): Fixes file rendering issues (#0006524, #0006311, #0006463)

Watchdog aborts jobs when RAM and time consumption defined limits are exceeded (Email can be sent upon abortion)

Plus many bug fixes and improvements

For more detailed information about the Alwan ColorHub 8.5.0 new features, improvements and bug fixes, please read our “What’s New” document available here.

Download Alwan ColorHub 8.5.0 now!

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