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New Alwan ColorHubX 4.0 rev2151
New Alwan ColorHubX 4.0 rev2151 Experience New Technologies!
What’s New?
Alwan ColorHubX 4.0 provides you great new Features like Cross-Platform support, the new Multicolor engine and the New Adobe PDF Library. These new improvements will enable you to… Continue reading
Vibrant Colors and Success
Vibrant Colors and Success
for You and Your Customers!
Discover and experience Alwan's Read more [...]
Alwan’s Positive Cash Flow Payment Plan
What is Alwan's Positive Cash Flow Payment Plan (PCFPP)?PCFPP is a payment plan that allows Alwan customers to pay Alwan software gradually, ensuring that the savings generated by Alwan software exceed the required monthly payments.
These savings are achieved… Continue reading
Alwan PRINT Verifier X 2.6.3 rev1514
ISO 12647 and G7® Proof and Print Assessment
• G7® assessment for all printing processes: Offset, Flexo and Screen Printing
• Make your assessment according to "G7® Master Printer Qualification" with
the new feature available from assessment tab
• Make… Continue reading
Alwan Color Expertise Launches the Windows Version CMYK Optimizer
Alwan Color Expertise Launches the windows version of its leading CMYK Optimizer software on PrintPack India, 2013
Alwan solution to ensure Color Standardization and Ink Reduction for all printing workflows
LYON France - February 5, 2013… Continue reading
Alwan Print Standardizer X 4.6
The industry's most powerful process control system is
available now for all printing processes and devices
LYON, France - January 15, 2012 - Alwan today updates its PRINT Standardizer process control software with extended handheld instruments support, extended press-embedded instruments… Continue reading
Alwan unveils its new OEM strategy
Alwan unveils its new OEM strategy and discloses first OEM partners at GraphExpo 2012
Caldera, Compose and Dubsat are first to embed Alwan technology in their systems to optimize colors, files and prints to industry standards.
Printing Standards adoption has… Continue reading
Alwan DynamicPrinterCalibration™ Awarded G7® Certified System Status
Alwan DynamicPrinterCalibration™ Awarded G7® Certified System Status Offers Printers the Ability to Conform to Both Industry Standards: ISO 12647 and G7®
Lyon, September 1, 2012: Alwan Color Expertise, a worldwide leader in color management and standardization software has achieved… Continue reading
Alwan & QuadTech Cooperate to Bring Automated Control & Automation
QuadTech partners with Alwan Color Expertise to automate dot gain
compensation curves
Cooperation brings automated color control and plate curve compensation to Commercial and Packaging web offset printers.
Lyon, France — 21 April, 2012—Global press controls provider QuadTech and… Continue reading
Alwan & KEE Consultants Announce Chance to Win Remote Audit
DRUPA 2012 Visitors Can Win a Free PSO/ISO12647 or G7® PC Gap
Analysis Audit with KEE Consultants and Alwan Color Expertise on
Booth D10-Hall 9.
Lyon, April 17, 2012 – Printers attending DRUPA 2012 can win a remote audit… Continue reading